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Busting a TFR? In This Economy?
by Friday Morning Flight Plan at [date]
Temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) can pop up anywhere and anytime, and, unnervingly, not all of them appear on the FAA's TFR webpage. That's where electronic flight bags can play a vital role.
With holiday celebrations and sporting events in full swing, here are a few things you'll definitely want to do to stay on top of TFRs in the coming weeks.
Configure your EFB to display TFRs.
We'll use ForeFlight as an example, but Garmin Pilot and other EFBs on the market have similar capabilities for staying up-to-date with TFRs.
In ForeFlight, it's a simple step found under the three paper-stack icon in the Maps view (the upper left-hand corner of the app). Go to More > Settings > Alerts to configure enhanced options, including audible voice alerts. You can also download current info using Pack in the flight planning option.
Know your app's TFR colors.
Upcoming TFRs will be displayed in yellow. Active or soon-to-be-active TFRs will be displayed in red. Tap on either for details.
Review the FAA's TFR webpage.
It's a good starting point in your TFR search when you're preparing for a flight. The website lists current TFRs, grouped initially by date. Click the column headings to sort data (e.g., STATE to sort the list alphabetically by state). Just remember, some TFRs won't be listed. Namely...
- TFRs for sporting and outdoor events
The FAA TFR page does not list all sporting events and outdoor events, which you need to keep an eye on as holiday parades, college football bowl games, and professional sporting events crop up at venues and during times you may not be accustomed to the rest of the year.
Fortunately, ForeFlight does display sporting and outdoor events, so check for them there. The general rule is to stay three NM away and 3,000' AGL above large gatherings.
Pay close attention to the dimensions for firefighting perimeters.
Firefighting perimeters have extended dimensions. So, be sure to check your local chart supplement, special notices, and firefighting traffic areas for information on extended perimeters. Remain 15 NM away and overfly by 5,000' AGL if you have to traverse the area.
Staying away from TFRs is not too much work if you take these steps before and during a flight. However, if you get complacent and bust a TFR, you'll leave the situation with a phone number (at best). And it won't be the type given out at a bar: They'll make sure you have all the digits.
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