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Staying Fit to Fly
by Friday Morning Flight Plan at [date]
At a certain age, we begin noticing the slow ebbing away of physical prowess and youthful vigor. That’s natural, and alone doesn’t necessarily represent a threat to your safety as a pilot, nor your ability to satisfy the FAA’s medical standards.
Just look at ATPs. Many gray-haired airline pilots consistently renew their stringent Class I medical certificates straight through retirement.
So even when a typical GA pilot’s birthday cake has trouble holding all the candles, remaining healthy enough to satisfy the doctor verifying your medical fitness represents the only regulatory hurdle you need to clear.
However, just like the ACS requirements for earning certificates, the health standards to which the FAA holds us (probably BasicMed for most reading this) are just minimum requirements verified once every four years.
Theoretically, pilots know the importance of honestly and accurately assessing their physical and mental fitness to act as PIC before each flight. That’s what IMSAFE is for. But as is human nature, adherence to such routine preflight checks may fade over time along with one’s dedication to exercise and declining when asked, “Would you like fries with that?”
So, when was the last time you broke a sweat? Summertime cockpits and sketchy crosswind landings don’t count. When was the last time you quieted your mind, whether by meditating or some other method?
As surely as you keep your pitot unclogged and your engine lubed, you must perform regular checks and maintenance for your physical and mental health. Here’s your checklist.
1. Regular exercise
The key word here is regular. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (walking but not strolling) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (walking like you’re late to a meeting) each week. 150 minutes is 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday.
This helps all aspects of your health. Additionally, consider strength exercises two days a week. Jogging, swimming, biking, and lifting heavy things are all good.
2. Healthy diet
Let’s keep this one simple. Stay hydrated and eat plenty of plants, some lean proteins, and enough fiber. You know, what Mom always says.
3. Weight management
Doing the two things above will make this item easy. I’ll spare you the list of diseases that accompany being too “fluffy.” We’ve heard them before.
4. Regular medical checkups
At the very least, get an annual checkup, just like your airplane does. This way, small problems won’t become big surprises later.
5. Stress management
Everybody’s a little different in how they experience and mitigate stress, but there’s a whole industry dedicated to helping you discover what cools your jets. If you know that long walks along the beach help, then that’s what you should do.
Otherwise, a quick internet search will provide plenty of ideas. If you need to get through a rough patch, there are even trained therapists out there who can provide “coaching” that doesn’t represent a medical appointment. Hobbies outside of flying are pretty helpful as well.
6. Adequate sleep
As a hopeless night owl, I hate this one, but it’s as important as the other items. You know how much sleep you need better than anyone else, but experts generally recommend aiming for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night.
Establish a regular sleep routine, avoid caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime, and create a comfortable sleep environment to improve sleep quality. If you snore, go see your doctor about it.
7. Cognitive training
Engage in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, reading, and learning new skills. Actually, chair flying is a great way to do this, too.
Cognitive training can improve memory, problem-solving abilities, and overall mental agility, which are essential for effective decision-making in the cockpit.
8. Start with just one
Items one through seven make up a pretty comprehensive list, but this last one greatly improves your odds of success. Nothing listed here should be all that surprising or novel, and yet checking the box on every item can be easier said than done.
If you try to do all or even just some of these at once, it likely won’t work. Take it at a pace you can handle, one item at a time.
Let’s use adequate sleep as an example. Once you’ve been getting quality sleep for a few weeks and feel like it’s on track, then you can move on to another one, let’s say exercise. But, if you find yourself backsliding on sleep while you’re working on improving exercise, refocus on sleep until it’s back where it needs to be, then continue working on improving exercise.
Many items on this list affect others, seemingly suggesting that doing them all at once would be advantageous. However, understanding how the human mind processes changes like these supports the one-at-a-time method. You’re more likely to succeed.
For more detailed information, the FAA offers several resources, including fitness recommendations and fitness plan guidelines.
Know Before You Go
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