The E6B flight computer is one of the most useful tools you can have in the cockpit. For many new pilots, it also is one of the most intimidating.
The mechanical E6B is typically made of cardboard, plastic, or metal. You can easily identify it by a few distinct characteristics.
Remember those horrible story problems from 7th-grade math class? The E6B can tackle them with ease. The formulas for time, speed, and distance calculations are printed on the face of the instrument, as are the instructions for determining density altitude, fuel consumption, converting true airspeed to calibrated airspeed, and even converting air temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. A scale printed on the instrument makes that last one particularly easy.
The slide rule also includes scales for both nautical and statute miles. These come in handy when you need to measure distance literally ‘on the fly.’
The wind side of the instrument helps you calculate ground speed, which you need to know to determine your time en route and fuel burn. It also has instructions to help you determine the wind correction angle to keep the aircraft on course.
Before you can calculate the ground speed and wind correction, you first need to know the following.
Once you have the above information, you can calculate ground speed and wind correction in a few simple steps.
Let's say the winds at 3,000 feet are 320 at 20 knots, the true course is 290°, and the TAS is 120 knots.
Note that there are vertical lines numbered in 5° and 10° increments. In this case, it is over to the right by 5°, which you would record as +5 on the navlog. If it is to the left of the centerline, you record it as -5°.
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The calculation side has three scales: the A scale, the B scale, and the C scale.
A conversion scale for Fahrenheit and Celsius is also at the bottom of the device.
When you are ready to solve an equation, refer to the directions printed on the face of the instrument in the center. To practice, let’s solve a distance and time equation.
The first step is to draw the course lines on the sectional, noting the pilotage references and the distances between them on the navlog. For this exercise, let's say you have selected the following checkpoints.
You have determined that the ground speed for this leg of the flight is 100 knots.
Now, take out the E6B and follow these steps.
Did you notice that you did not have to move the face of the calculation side? You can get the value at a glance.
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Calculating density altitude with an E6B is fairly straightforward. Simply set the pressure altitude opposite the temperature in degrees Celsius in the window. Opposite the CAS on the B scale, read the TAS on the outer scale, and read density altitude under the center index.
Many pilots favor the electronic E6B because it resembles a calculator, which they are likely plenty familiar with by the time they are old enough to begin flight training. The formulas for the calculations are often printed on the backside of the instrument. Just like the manual version, the instructions take some time to read.
The electronic E6B is more precise than the manual one. However, there are a few downsides to using the electronic device.
We live in an app-happy world. There are several E6B apps to choose from, including apps from flight training powerhouses ForeFlight and Sporty’s. If you fly with an iPad, an E6B app can be a good fit, provided you know how to use it before you need to use it. Mindlessly pressing buttons or forgetting to plug the tablet into the power source can bite you.
Even if you prefer the ease and functionality of an app, as many pilots do, understanding the basics of a manual E6B can prove very beneficial. During flight training, it can be distressing when a learner has only used apps that generate an electronic navlog and has not learned the basics of flight planning, such as determining true course, variation, or how to select checkpoints for pilotage.
Apps are certainly easier and less time-consuming than the pencil and paper method but don't shortchange yourself of basic skills, such as pilotage or determining true course with a plotter and a sectional.