In less than two weeks, Redbird Flight heads to the World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration – EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI. Redbird flight simulators will be featured in various locations across AirVenture grounds. There will be lots of opportunities for attendees to check out Redbird technologies, meet our team, and learn how we are moving flight training forward through innovative, reliable, and high-quality training devices.
We look forward to a great show and hope that you’ll visit us at Booth 304, just off Celebration Way, and join in on some of the fun things we are a part of during AirVenture.
At the Redbird Tent
New Product Debut – The first day of AirVenture we will debut something very cool, something that makes flight training more accessible and affordable. Right now, details are top secret, so visit our tent and prepare to be impressed.
Redbird STEM Lab – We are showing off the classroom of the future at the Redbird Tent. Monday through Saturday students are invited to participate in our interactive classroom that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into aviation themed classes using Redbird Jay Velocity simulators. Check out classes and register today!
Redbird Flight Simulator Showcase – Now in our tenth year, we are very proud of our diverse range of simulators, this year the Redbird tent will feature:

At the Pilot Proficiency Center
The EAA Pilot Proficiency Center is probably the most unique and interactive feature at the show. Dedicated to improving pilot skills and enhancing safety, the Pilot Proficiency Center features 14 Redbird LD advanced aviation training devices and more than 20 training scenarios that pilots can choose from to fly. Each sim is staffed by a professional flight instructor who will guide pilots of all levels through a pre-flight, two or three flight scenarios, and a debriefing. Pilots can check out the scenario menu here.
Redbird Partners
- We have another fun surprise in Warbird Alley that will be unveiled on Monday (July 24). It is a one-of-a-kind device that will help AirVenture attendees honor and experience history.
- Our friends at AOPA and TakeFlight will feature Jay desktop simulators and are available for anyone and everyone to fly and have fun with.